Wellness activity schedule
Please note that the wellness activity schedule may change without prior notice. The most updated version of the schedule will be given to you upon check-in.
Virtual Event Schedule
Sep 21, 2024 (Sat)
8.30 – 9.30am Thailand time / 9.30 – 10.30am Singapore time
 Setting Intention Through Rest

Intention is the most powerful when it arises from our hearts through a rested place. In this free 60-minute workshop, Youmin will be guiding us through yoga nidra, a deep restorative rest practice in which the body sleeps with full awareness. Words, feelings, images, colors, may arise as we allow our thinking mind to slow down. Tania will then be showing you how to set your intention by crafting an affirmation, or a positive statement, as your daily reminder.

How can this free online workshop help you?

  • Allow your body and mind to feel deeply rested
  • Gain clarity on what you want to create in your life
  • Align with your heart and focus on what is important to you
  • Create a positive statement to commit for the rest of the month
Retreat Schedule
Oct 3 – 6, 2024 
Cacao + Bhakti Yoga Retreat
Let Your Heart Sing
with Tania Ho and Watchararat Srichamroen
Special guest teachers: Hao Wong and Boom Nanthaharn


Cacao + Bhakti Yoga Retreat – Let Your Heart Sing at Museflower is a heart-centered, heart-full retreat that delves deep into connecting with your heart through the practice of Bhakti Yoga and Cacao ceremony.

This 4-day retreat gives you an opportunity to listen to your heart’s voice, and to experience how you can express your true authentic self.

Meditating and chanting with mantras is a powerful way to uplift our vibration and to build confidence in expressing our voice. In this retreat we also invite the wisdom of Mother Nature through Cacao and other modalities, such as Shamanic journey and labyrinth walk, to strengthen the connection between our hearts and the Earth.

Nov 29 – Dec 4, 2024 
Sacred Rest with Nature 
a Soulful Retreat
with Youmin Yap and Tania Ho


Sacred Rest with Nature is a deliciously restful retreat. It is a space to slow down from the doing, and tune into your inner rhythm. It is a time to embrace rest as a sacred practice.

This 6-days-5-nights retreat is designed to provide wellness experiences to guide you to be in rest, such as forest bathing, yoga nidra, cacao ceremony, and shamanic journey. The retreat program is also sensitively curated to offer spaciousness – downtime to reflect and integrate, to enjoy the facilities at Museflower Retreat & Spa, or to simply to be.

Available Year-Round
 Thailand Bhakti Yoga Study Group

In our Bhakti Yoga study group, we will be exploring and experiencing the energies of different Sanskrit mantras, through meditation, chanting, kirtan, storytelling, journaling, reflective sharing and other self-discovery exercises.