Free Workshop
Setting Intention Through Rest 
Do you want to gain clarity of what your intention is?

What we covered in this free online workshop:

  • Benefits of setting intention and yoga nidra
  • Experience Yoga nidra, a deep restorative practice
  • Crafting your affirmation with your intention

Sign up and watch the replay of the free workshop now (access only till Sep 30, 2024)

“Where intention goes, energy flows.”
~ James Redfield

Setting intention is like coming home to ourselves. Our intention is an anchor for us to return to ourselves again and again when we start to get distracted or lose focus on our path.

So what is an intention?

An intention is our raison d’etre. It is the “why” behind our choices, behaviors and decisions. When we are aware of our intention, it gives clarity and focus on what we want to create in our lives.

An intention is like an open invitation to co-create with the Universe. When we set an intention, we can let go of the expectations of how things should turn out to be, and trust the Universe will support us no matter what.

Intention is the most powerful when it arises from our hearts through a rested place. In this free 60-minute workshop, Youmin will be guiding us through yoga nidra, a deep restorative rest practice in which the body sleeps with full awareness. Words, feelings, images, colors, may arise as we allow our thinking mind to slow down. Tania will then be showing you how to set your intention by crafting an affirmation, or a positive statement, as your daily reminder.

How Can This Workshop Help You?
✔ Allow your body and mind to feel deeply rested
✔  Gain clarity on what you want to create in your life
✔  Align with your heart and focus on what is important to you
✔  Create a positive statement to commit for the rest of the month
What do you need to prepare?
  • Open mind and open heart
  • Pen and paper to write down your intention
  • Try to join this workshop from a relatively quiet space where you can be at ease
  • Somewhere you can lie down (a mat / your bed). If this is not possible, you can still practise the yoga nidra by sitting comfortably, leaning fully into an armchair for example.
  • Optional good-to-haves: eye pillow, pillows and cushions to provide support for your neck and lower back, blanket and socks to keep warm, and any other comfort objects.

No previous experience of any kind is required. This workshop is perfect for anyone who wants to experience a simple yet powerful spiritual practice to help bring more focus and clarity in their daily lives.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to practice setting intentions in your daily life.

Special Gift

Sign up & Receive a 5% discount code from Sacred Rest with Nature Retreat in Nov 2024:

Our Sacred Rest with Nature Retreat from Nov 29 to Dec 4, 2024 is designed to provide wellness experiences to guide you to be in rest, such as forest bathing, yoga nidra, cacao ceremony, and shamanic journey. The retreat program also offers space and downtime to reflect and integrate, and to enjoy the facilities at Museflower Retreat & Spa.

A Note from Your Facilitators
Hello, I’m Youmin Yap!
“Stop doing and floating happens.” – Kamini Desai
Born, bred and raised in Singapore, I was (and still am) a typical urbanite. ‘Do more, do faster, do better’ is something ingrained in me. But in the past decade or so, I am also re-learning, experiencing and trusting that life can be full of ease, and that rest is all our birthright. Living life from a well-rested place is possible.
To do that, first, we must stop doing.
Yoga nidra is an art of doing no-thing. A series of active techniques eventually lead you effortlessly into a non-doing state of being. Here, your mind and body enter into supreme tranquility. As all the chatter falls away, it becomes much more possible to tap into your true heart’s desire. Crafting your intention from your heart’s desires may be more aligned to your authentic self.
Thank you for resting. I look forward to journeying with you in this river of rest.
Hello, I’m Tania Ho!

I am a meditation teacher and intuitive soul guide to help you find clarity through meditation, oracle card readings and intuition development.

I’m originally from Hong Kong, and now I live in Chiang Rai, Thailand, with my family as the founder and owner of Museflower Retreat & Spa since 2014.

I first learn about setting intention from Youmin and it has changed my life since then. It is a truly a simple yet powerful practice that we can easily incorporate into our daily life.

Setting intention reminds us to focus on what we want and how we want to feel (and not what we don’t want), and we learn to let go of the “how” to the Universe.

And through the practice of yoga nidra, we can first rest our mind and body so then we can listen to our heart’s whisper and set an intention that is aligned with our soul.