Cacao is such a wonderful medicine for the soul and for the body. It is easy to prepare Cacao at home and to drink it with the intention to listen to her wisdom and to open our heart space.
To learn more about the many benefits of Cacao, you can refer to my previous blog on the introduction to Cacao and Cacao ceremony here.
Cacao at Home Recipe
- 12 to 15 gram Ceremonial grade Cacao / Cacao paste, finely chopped (for dosage please refer below for reference)
- 180 mL hot water / warm plant-based milk
- Natural sweetener and spices to taste

- Set your intention to prepare your Cacao mindfully with love and care
- Heat up the water / plant-based milk and let it cool down a bit, so it’s not boiling hot when it mixes with the Cacao.
- Add the chopped Cacao into the liquid and use a blender / molinillo / bamboo matcha whisk, or a whisk to blend them together. Due to Cacao’s high fat content, it doesn’t mix immediately well with water. Do note that the less water you use, the stronger and creamier the Cacao will taste. Cow’s milk is not recommended to use to blend with Cacao.
- Add any natural sweetener like coconut flower sugar, organic brown sugar, agave, maple syrup or honey
- You can also add other flavoring / spices, such as vanilla, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, cardamom, nutmeg, maca.
Everyone has their own way to prepare Cacao. Somedays you may prefer a creamier version with plant-based milk. Somedays you may prefer Cacao’s original taste with only water.
Allow your mood, your intuition and your body to guide you, and trust that you will find your unique way to prepare it.
Drink Cacao as a Spiritual Practice
Allow yourself to savor your Cacao as a meditation or a mindfulness practice.
Start by sitting in a place of comfort where you won’t be disturbed. You may want to clear the energy of the space by invoking the blessings of your spiritual support team and Cacao, or any other practices that you do to help you setup a sacred space and container.
Bring your cup of Cacao in front of your heart energy center (middle of your chest). Set your intention on how you would like the spirit of Cacao to support you.
Mindfully drink the Cacao in silence or with soft music in the background. Engage all your senses and notice any body sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts arising as you drink your Cacao.
Give yourself at least a few minutes to sit in silence afterwards to observe what arises within.
After that write down your experience in your journal, and keep on paying attention to how you feel throughout the day. Enjoy!
What is a ceremonial dose of Cacao?
Typically a full ceremonial dose is 42g of Cacao and it is not recommended to consume more than that, as it will start to make the body sick (such as headache, nausea).
However, each person’s body constitution is different. Some guidelines provided by Serap Kara, founder of Cacao Mama, are:
- 8 to 10 gram to spark an activation
- 20 to 35 gram for a profound deep inner experience
- 42 gram as full ceremonial dose
In our Cacao ceremonies at Museflower Retreat & Spa, we prepare Cacao in a lighter dose around 15 gram for a gentle, heart-opening experience.
Though the number of grams serve as a guideline, the most important aspect of a Cacao ceremony is to set our intention. Depending on our intention and what we would like Cacao to support us with, the wisdom of Cacao will always meet us where we are.
Contraindications of Cacao
Full ceremonial doses of Cacao are not recommended for anybody taking antidepressants (as it contains MAO inhibitors), has a serious heart condition, very high blood pressure or suffers epilepsy. Please consult a doctor first if you plan to consume Cacao. Raw Cacao contains histamine. Pregnant and breastfeeding women and children should consider taking a smaller amount, as Cacao also contains caffeine. Dogs and animals should never be given any forms of chocolate including Cacao, as they lack the enzyme to metabolize theobromine which can be fatal.
The Art of Cacao by Serap Kara: