By Tania Ho
June 24, 2020
I thought I’d try something new this month for the blog.
I share my intuitive card reading on what general soul lesson is currently ongoing but slowly falling away for all of us this June 2020, and what soul lesson is rising and upcoming for all of us in July 2020.
This month, I picked two cards from the Soulful Woman deck by Shushann Movsessian & Gemma Summers
Card on the Left: What is Falling Away / Card on the Right: What is Rising

I recognize that my interpretation of the cards is largely based on reflections of my personal life experience and you may or may not resonate with what I share. I find that sometimes by sharing what’s going on in my life, others may find that they are going through something similar in their lives. It’s important to know that you are not going through this journey of life alone.
I highly encourage you to look at the cards as well and feel into the messages and energies of the cards yourself.
Read the messages and notice what sensations come up. Do you feel light or tense? Look at the images of the cards, and notice what draws your gaze. What thoughts and feelings arise? Do you like or dislike the card, or certain elements in the image of the card? Why is that and what does it remind you of?
Your intuition is your inner compass. My intuitive soul card reading only serves as a reference point, an invitation for you to reflect and ponder and to work your magic. I don’t claim to predict the future, nor can I do that. Take what you resonate and leave what you don’t.
Card reading is a great intuitive tool for us to find some clarity and guidance in our own life, but remember ultimately you are the one who get to decide and live the life you want.
Enjoy reading and feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions and sharing by email.
24. Boundaries – My clear boundaries allow me to protect myself, nurture my intentions and follow my true self.
With the energies of what was going on cosmically with the new moon, solar eclipse and summer solstice this June, to me it very much feels like an energy of bringing in the new and burning away the old that no longer serves our higher purpose anymore.
This setting of boundaries for ourselves, for example, saying no to others so we can say yes to ourselves, has helped to setup success for us moving forward into the new chapter of our lives.
When I looked at the bird in the card, it felt like the bird has returned home. The bird flew around and did many things and now it was time to come back. It was like the past few months we were all finding new ways to be and live and work (for example I setup a weekly free online soul sharing circle), and now it is time to return to our center and to set new intentions.
What feels right moving forward?
With everything that is going on in the world, so many things have changed. Expectations have changed. Rules have changed. I realize for myself that even my dreams have changed.
Pre-COVID-19 I used to have this dream to travel and live in a foreign country for one month with my son. I felt excited with this dream and somehow it also meant that I would be able to take a real break from work.
Guess what? I got what I needed. During the lockdown and when Museflower was closed, I had spent a lot of time with my son. I didn’t have to go to the office and work was not an urgent priority anymore. I was able to use this time to focus on new priorities and new dreams started to unfold.
I only realized that I no longer wanted to follow through my travel dream when the possibility of traveling started to open up again this month. That travel dream came true in a different way. Instead of traveling to a foreign country, I’ve got to spend more time in Museflower and my home (technically I’m also living in a foreign country as I’m an expat here). I was able to really take a break from work.
Saying no to my old dream allows space for something new to come. I do not know what that something new is yet but I can feel it coming.
In the past month, what have you said no to (which in turn you said yes to yourself)? What was that one boundary you set for yourself so you could follow your true self?
6. Self-Belief – Self-belief is the magic key that opens up a better, more inspired future for me.
If June is the month when the new is coming through, then July is the month to really taking one step forward into believing and envisioning that new idea being manifested into our lives. It may be a new idea, a new project, a new way of thinking, or something that you have always wanted to do but never got around to.
The word “commitment” comes to mind. What is that one thing that has come up in your mind recently that you’d like to do? Perhaps something that we tell ourselves, “if I had more time, I would do this…”? During the lockdown when you had time, did you get to do that?
The question is, now that our lives are slowly returning to a new normal, how can I commit to this new idea? How can I incorporate into my new normal daily life?
The past month I have been taking a one-month online chanting meditation course and I absolutely love it. I am now in the last week of this course, and I am thinking to myself, how can I continue the chanting and integrate into my daily practice?
In the book “Limitless” by famous brain coach Jim Kwik, he wrote about the 3 M’s – Motivation, Mindset and Methods. With what the card is showing, it feels like July is going to be a month about “Mindset”.
This is the time to tell yourself that you can do it, that you are worthy, and that you deserve [insert here the promotion, the break, the opportunity, time for yourself, etc].
Like the woman in the card holding a sprouted seed in her hand, our beliefs are like fertilizers that help this new seed / idea / project to continue to grow.
No matter what happens in the external world like the wind and the fire swirling in the background, we are reminded to have unwavering faith in believing ourselves and the Universe.
It’s time to cast away any doubts and to stand strong in your heart space and be completely grounded. You are more powerful than you think you are.
Work Your Magic:
Set your own monthly affirmation or mantra. Ask yourself what affirmation (positive statement) you’d like to focus on for July. Ask this question and allow space for the answer to unfold.
Instead of using your mind to think of an answer, pose this question in your prayer and just let it sit there in the back of your mind. Perhaps the answer may come in your meditation. Perhaps it may come when you are taking a shower. Trust that the answer will come and be patient.
Once you have your affirmation, I encourage you to write it down somewhere that you can see on a daily basis. I usually like to incorporate my affirmation in my vision mandala, as well as in my bullet journal. Seeing it daily serves as a reminder of my commitment to myself.
What is your July 2020 affirmation? Feel free to share it in the comments below or email me and see how this affirmation serves you in this upcoming month.
Today in my mailbox sits a newsletter I received from spiritual teacher and author Rebecca Campbell. She shared a prayer that I thought would perfectly sum up my monthly card reading. Feel free to read this prayer out and here’s the link to her prayer:
Lady of the Rose Prayer
By Rebecca Campbell
Help me be fully where I am as I wait for a future that does not exist yet.
Help me soften my heart to those who are not capable of seeing me accurately.
Help me be courageous with my boundaries, knowing it is the kindest thing for everyone, including myself.
Help me lean into what I am becoming without prying open the buds.
Help me to trust the seasons of my life and let go of the one that has passed.
Help me to create a world with enough space for me to enjoy what is blooming.