How Flower Essences Can Balance Your Emotions

Imagine having a remedy that can work directly to balance your emotions. Nope, I’m not talking about anti-depressants or any supplements.

This amazing remedy works on our vibrational level and it comes from flowers!

Have you heard of flower essences before?

Personally I love working with flower essences!

In fact, it was because of flower essences, I was led to Chiang Rai to experience my first ever retreat back in 2011. And the name “Museflower” was inspired by my own healing journey with flower essences.

In today’s blog I want to share with you what flower essences are, and how flower essences work.

In my next blog I share with how my personal healing journey with flower essences here:

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are a vibrational remedy that works on our subtle energy levels to help us rebalance our emotions.

It is first discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, the founder of Bach Flower Essences, in UK by the 1930s.  He was a medical doctor, a bacteriologist, and a pathologist. As he was conducting his research with vaccines, he became frustrated on the limitations of western medicine for treating a person as a whole. He was then inspired by homeopathy and Dr. Hahnemann’s work, and realized the important connection between emotions and physical health. He then discovered the use of flower essences over years of trial and error, and came up with a total of 38 flower essences to help address various emotional states.

The way how flower essences work is similar to a plumber’s work (sorry it’s not the most elegant analogy). Flower essences can “unclog” our emotional pipes, so-to-speak, and can help to gently release any suppressed negative emotions.

Why are emotions important to our health?

In our daily lives when we constantly keep ourselves busy, it’s easy to sweep away emotions such as grief, anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, and resentment under the covers. Especially if we view these emotions as negative, we may hide our true feelings, avoid facing them, or even numb ourselves from feeling them at all.

When we suppress or repress these emotions, we also stop the flow of other more positive emotions, such as joy, love and bliss into our lives. We cannot let go of the past or we feel too overwhelmed about the future, and then we get stuck in the present and cannot move forward in our lives.

Emotions also play an important role in our physical health. According to PsychCentral, chronic stress contributes to the six leading causes of death in America and is considered a silent killer.

Suppressed emotions become energetic blockages in our energy field, and can manifest into physical dis-eases as a way for our bodies to heal and to address these imbalances.

So when our emotions come to a more balanced state, it can help improve our physical, mental and energetic health too.

When we recognize that emotions are just energy in motion, we can live a more colorful and authentic life where we are open to feel all types of emotions.

How are flower essences made?

When flower essences are made, typically the flowers are collected and placed in a bowl of clean water under the sun. After the sun has charged the water for a few hours, the energetic information of the flowers is imprinted in the water (you can refer to Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on “The Message of Water” for how this works). This liquid is then preserved by alcohol, usually brandy. This is then stored in a dark dropper bottle and is labeled as the stock concentrate. It will need to be diluted again to be used.

Flower essences are different than essential oils, as flower essences work on an energetic level and they don’t have any aroma or fragrance.

How to choose and use flower essences

In my intuitive healing session that I offer to our guests at Museflower, I always begin with a flower essence consultation.

We begin with a short grounding meditation and I will guide my guest to do a body scan. A body scan is when you close your eyes, imagine that you have an inner eye in the center of your forehead, and scan your body from top to bottom for any areas that are holding tension, discomfort, heaviness or even pain.

The purpose of the body scan is to be aware of our body in the present moment. There’s no need to judge, analyze or change anything. In the body scan you just observe what’s arising in your body in this moment and make a mental note.

After the body scan, I then invite the guest to choose one body area that feels the most tension or heaviest, and to place his/her dominant hand on that body part. With the eyes now open, I invite my guest to use his/her non-dominant hand to choose 2 to 3 bottles from the flower essence set.

I will then place one drop from each of the flower essence bottle picked into a separate spray bottle filled with clean drinking water. When I was learning about flower essences, even though the traditional way to use it is to take a few drops orally under the tongue, my then teacher explained that we can also store it in a spray bottle and spray it in our energy field. With the spray bottle, personally I find it easier to use flower essences on a daily basis.

I will then guide my guest to use the flower essences by spraying the liquid above his/her head and take a few deep breaths in, allowing the energetic information to sink into the energy field. We will then do a second body scan to pay attention for any subtle shifts and changes.

After some time for journaling, I then explain the meaning of each flower essence picked.

Each flower essence represents an emotional state, and also a topic or theme that we are currently facing in our lives. Every flower has a light and shadow side, and contains both balanced and unbalanced qualities.

When we are drawn to picking certain flower essences, it means that we are currently experiencing the unbalanced qualities of that flower. These qualities are like a coin that has two sides. We already have these qualities within us, but the flower essences can give us a boost to bring us back to the balanced side.

Taking flower essences for your emotional health

Flower essences are completely safe to work with and there are no contraindications for taking them.

There are only two guidelines to follow when you are taking flower essences.

1. Give it 10 minutes before or after eating, drinking and brushing your teeth

This is more for the traditional method of taking flower essences but I still apply with the spray bottle method. If you have used the flower essence spray, wait for 10 minutes before you go brush your teeth, eat or drink.

2. Keep it away from electronic devices

EMF (electromagnetic field) emitted from electronic devices such as phones, laptops and wifi routers, may affect the vibration of the flower essence so it’s better to store them separately.

As flower essences work gently and subtly, I always recommend my guests to journal during the time that they are using the spray so they can be more aware of their own emotional states. It is possible that sometimes suppressed emotions may arise. Take it as an opportunity to allow the emotions to flow through instead of holding them back. It is like a frozen ice cube (aka the suppressed emotion) is finally melted, and the melted water still needs to go somewhere.

It’s not necessary do a body scan every time when we use the flower essence. But a body scan is a great way to help us connect with our physical body in the present moment and to pay attention to what wants to arise.

When we are using flower essences, we can learn to hold space for ourselves without judgment and criticism as we observe our emotions flowing through us. Reflect and record everything down in a journal. And pay attention to the subtle shifts and changes unfolding. This is how we can experience the healing power of flower essences.


Want to Experience
the healing power of flower essences?

Book an intuitive healing session with Tania during your stay at Museflower where she always begins the session with a flower essence consultation. The intuitive healing session can also be booked as the private wellness session included in the Yoga Retreat Chiang Rai and Spa Getaway Thailand retreat package.

In our upcoming Cacao + Bhakti Yoga Retreat from Oct 3 – 6, 2024, Tania will also guide each retreat participant to pick a flower essence to help support their emotional healing journey during the retreat.

Oct 3 – 6, 2024 
Cacao + Bhakti Yoga Retreat
Let Your Heart Sing

Cacao + Bhakti Yoga Retreat – Let Your Heart Sing at Museflower is a heart-centered, heart-full retreat that delves deep into connecting with your heart through the practice of Bhakti Yoga and Cacao ceremony.

This 4-day retreat gives you an opportunity to listen to your heart’s voice, and to experience how you can express your true authentic self.

Meditating and chanting with mantras is a powerful way to uplift our vibration and to build confidence in expressing our voice. In this retreat we also invite the wisdom of Mother Nature through Cacao and other modalities, such as Shamanic journey and labyrinth walk, to strengthen the connection between our hearts and the Earth.

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