I’ve learned this journaling exercise as I was taking Regan Hillyer’s “The Art of Manifesting” course from the Mindvalley platform (which is well worth the investment by the way).
Our beliefs are what stir up our emotions and drive our actions. Our beliefs shape our reality.
But we all hold limiting beliefs in our subconscious mind. These limiting beliefs hold us back from living a truly aligned life that we dream of, because a part of us think that having these beliefs can keep us safe.
One of the most common limiting beliefs we all hold is “I’m not good enough”. We can also substitute the word “good” with other adjectives such as “smart”, “thin”, “beautiful”, “worthy”, and more.
The limiting belief is like an open app that is running in the background of our phone and we are not aware of, but it’s preventing our phone from running at optimal performance.
For example, in our conscious mind, we may think that we are good enough, that we are worthy of abundance, love and health. But 93% of communication happens on the subconscious level. So if subconsciously we actually believe that we are not good enough, we will sabotage ourselves from receiving abundance, love and health, and we will create this reality to reconfirm our limiting belief.
So to rewrite limiting beliefs, here is a simple journaling exercise that can help you begin the process:

1. First, write down your limiting belief.
For example, “I’m not good enough.”
2. Then write down 3 new beliefs that reverse the limiting belief into a positive statement starting with “I choose to believe”.
For example, “I choose to believe I am good enough. I choose to believe that I am worthy. I choose to believe that I am enough in all areas of my life.”
3. Continue this exercise with writing 3 new beliefs with every limiting belief.
You can focus on one area of your life for one time. It may be your beliefs around money, your body, relationship, career, or spirituality.
4. When you finish, read all the new beliefs out loud to yourself.
You may resonate with certain new beliefs strongly. Choose the ones that ring true and feel like an absolute YES to your whole being. Write them out on a separate piece of paper as affirmations. Place your affirmation somewhere you can see easily and read them out loud to yourself at least once every day.
5. Pay attention to what unfolds for you as you practice reading out loud these new beliefs to yourself every day
As we rewrite our limiting beliefs consciously and repeat these new belief statements to ourselves, we can start to rewire the neural pathways in our brains, and align our thoughts and actions with what we desire to create and manifest in our lives.
This is a simple and powerful journaling exercise to try out.
I’d love to hear how it works for you.
Feel free to drop me any questions and sharing here.
Join our Winter Retreats this 2024 for a Powerful Release and to Return to Your True Self
Discover our Special Winter Retreats below for a deep dive into your heart and soul and to reconnect with your authentic self. In both of our special winter retreats, we will include a fire ceremony to release our limiting beliefs to the fire.

Cacao + Bhakti Yoga Retreat – Let Your Heart Sing at Museflower is a heart-centered, heart-full retreat that delves deep into connecting with your heart through the practice of Bhakti Yoga and Cacao ceremony.
This 4-day retreat gives you an opportunity to listen to your heart’s voice, and to experience how you can express your true authentic self.

Nov 29 – Dec 4, 2024
Sacred Rest with Nature is a deliciously restful retreat. It is a space to slow down from the doing, and tune into your inner rhythm. It is a time to embrace rest as a sacred practice.
This 6-days-5-nights retreat is designed to provide wellness experiences to guide you to be in rest, such as forest bathing, yoga nidra, cacao ceremony, and shamanic journey.