12. Creative Cocooning – Creative cocooning is a freedom I give yourself. I create a safe nest for peace, healing and calm.
As we step into November 2020, we are being asked to step outside of our wonderfully cozy cocoons that we have created for ourselves the past month.
Perhaps in October you have a creative idea or project that you have allowed space to grow, like seeds that are first sprouted and you have given much tender care to nourish them. Or perhaps you have built a safe nest at your home and you feel very comfortable and healing in your cocoon.
The card shows that there is a bird nest on top of the woman’s head and a blue bird is flying back to build a nest. There is a feeling of coming home. Since Mercury retrograde has begun in the middle of October in midst of Mars retrograde, everything feels like a slow motion movie, going at an extra slow pace. But it is a great time to turn our gaze inward and to come “home” to our inner self.
That’s how I have felt with a new event that I am creating for Museflower this December. Instead of pushing or forcing myself to churn out my creation, I take the time to slowly build on it, allowing creativity to arise through my intuition and heart space.
It reminds me of the Chinese saying that roughly translates to “slow craftmanship comes refined work”. When we take our time to build and hone our craft, that’s when we can reach excellence in what we do.
Have you taken the time in October to nurture your creative ideas or projects? Did you allow yourself to connect with the slower pace or did you find yourself pushing your way forward?
Take 10 minutes today to write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal. If you feel called, feel free to write back to me and share your learning from the past month.

19. Friendship – I am deeply grateful for the gift of friends. My appreciation for them is endless.
If October is the month to stay inside our warm cocoons, then in November we are being invited gently step out of our own individual cocoons and to connect with others.
The woman in the middle of the card holds a bowl of fruits (or red peppers). This is her gifts. She is here to share her gifts with her friends.
This is a month to connect with our soul tribe and to build a community of support to share our gifts with. Sharing is about giving and taking. We share our gifts and in return, we openly accept the gifts from others. It is a collaboration and a partnership.
All the women’s eyes are closed in the image of this card. So the energy is still about turning inward and not expanding. Instead of socializing, it feels like the women are coming into a circle to hold the space for each other for healing and transformation. The energy is gentle and quiet, yet deeply nourishing and powerful.
It’s also about tuning into your own inner feminine energy – whether you are born as a man or woman we all have masculine and feminine energy within us. Our feminine energy represents our emotions, intuition, creativity, and a deep sense of trusting and knowing that allows us to surrender and to allow things to unfold at their own time.
This month is a great time to count and share your blessings with your tribe to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude together.
How can you build a better connection with people you work with? The answer always comes back to yourself. Treat others as you would treat yourself and how you would want to be treated. Find your own support network in your work environment. How can you allow others to help you? How can you contribute to the success of others? This month you are also being asked to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new connections. You may be surprised.
Such a beautiful month to share your gratitude with your friends and family, coinciding with festivals like Loy Krathong here in Thailand or Thanksgiving in North America. It doesn’t need to be a special occasion though to celebrate the love and support of the people you are grateful for in your life.
At times when you feel lonely or lost, you can close your eyes and imagine all the love and positive support from your friends and family. Breathe that love in and as you breath out, radiate that love to all parts of your body, and send your gratitude to your friends and family. Allow the peace and calmness to re-center yourself. There is an invisible web of light that connects us all on an energetic level. As you send your love and gratitude to your loved ones through your thoughts, they can feel your support on an energetic and subconscious level.
It’s easy to forget how abundant we are when we are just focused on financial or material wealth. But abundance is more than that. Look at the abundant support you receive in your life. Even if we may feel distant with our physical support network now, know that your spiritual support team is here. By spiritual support team I mean angels, spiritual teachers, spirit guides, power animals, elements in Nature, and Gods and Goddesses whom you resonate and believe in. They are always here to support us, but because as human beings we have free will, they cannot help us unless we give them permission to. We must ask for their assistance and invoke their support for them to work their magic in our lives. Focus on what you have instead of what you don’t. Focus on abundance instead of scarcity. And see what magic unfolds.
How can you appreciate and celebrate your friends, family, soul tribe, like-minded community, and your spiritual support team this month?
This is especially important during the pandemic now to be able to connect with others with the help of technology. Sometimes we can also just tune into the connection through our heart space. Reach out to old friends you haven’t spoken for a while. Or make new friends in like-minded communities and circles. Pray, invoke and ask for your spiritual support team to help you.
In the spirit of reaching out, I have decided to hold a complimentary Virtual Fire Ceremony for Release for our Museflower online community on November 28th from 3 – 4pm Thailand time. A fire ceremony can help to release what no longer serves us, such as limiting beliefs or negative emotions.
All you need is a candle, a lighter, a piece of paper, a heatproof bowl to burn the paper, and water for safety reasons. If you cannot join us live, you can still watch the replay and follow the ceremony at your own pace.
For more details and registration, visit the Zoom event page here.
I recognize that my interpretation of the cards is largely based on reflections of my personal life experience and you may or may not resonate with what I share. I find that sometimes by sharing what’s going on in my life, others may find that they are going through something similar in their lives. It’s important to know that you are not going through this journey of life alone.
I highly encourage you to look at the cards as well and feel into the messages and energies of the cards yourself.
Read the messages and notice what sensations come up. Do you feel light or tense? Look at the images of the cards, and notice what draws your gaze. What thoughts and feelings arise? Do you like or dislike the card, or certain elements in the image of the card? Why is that and what does it remind you of?
Your intuition is your inner compass. My intuitive soul card reading only serves as a reference point, an invitation for you to reflect and ponder and to work your magic. I don’t claim to predict the future, nor can I do that. Take what you resonate and leave what you don’t.
Card reading is a great intuitive tool for us to find some clarity and guidance in our own life, but remember ultimately you are the one who get to decide and live the life you want.
Enjoy reading and feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions and sharing by email.