“I choose to devote myself to a reality that connects me to beauty, strengthens love in my life, and inspires, empowers and fills me with joy.”
~ Shushann Movsessian & Gemma Summers, Soulful Woman Guidance Cards

- Love-Based Reality: I am soul-nurtured when I surround myself with friends and family who support a loved-based reality.
2021 has been a challenging year for me personally, when most things I had planned did not go as I expected. But my biggest lesson I’ve learned in 2021 is that through all these challenges and disappointments, they are here to strengthen my faith in the Universe.
Whereas last year’s soul card reading message was all about asking our spiritual support team to help us stay focused on our own path, this year’s soul card message is all about co-creating a loving reality around you.
On the outside, this may look like surrounding yourself with your loved ones, creating a support system that best serves you, and doing what nourishes you and brings you joy. On the inside, it is about holding a non-judgmental space for yourself, trusting your soul’s guidance, honoring the Divine essence within you, and being aware of your intentions and actions.
Are your intentions and actions coming from a place of love or fear?
Since the global pandemic hit, it is very easy to live in fear, worry, and anxiety on a daily basis, especially when we constantly expose ourselves to the negative news and the collective fear. We may believe that this is not our choice and we have no control, and life is just happening to us instead of for us.
This card is a reminder for us to get out of this victim mentality we subject ourselves to, and return our focus back to co-creating a love-based reality. We all have the freedom on how we choose to respond to any situation. Perhaps things may not pan out the way we want, but we continue to hold faith that things always happen for our highest good.
The love we hold for ourselves within allows us to shift to living from only our head space to our heart and soul space, where we can finally be free to live as our true authentic selves.
When we are able to love ourselves unconditionally, this love will expand and radiate to other people around us. We must first take care of ourselves first before we can help others.
Sometimes in order to create a love-based reality, we may need to recognize what our boundaries are, and let go of burdens and emotions that do not belong to us. That’s why the woman’s face in the card seems stern yet loving. She does not and will not allow others to affect her conscious choice of loving herself.
It is important then to enforce our boundaries, even if it means saying goodbye to people or situations that had been serving and supporting us in the past years. This is only because it is time for us to move forward and for our hearts to continually expand and for our souls to evolve.
I absolutely love the quote from the Soulful Woman guidebook starting with “I choose to devote myself…” Remember it is always our choice to live from love or fear, our choice to witness beauty or to focus on the negative, to trust our intuition or to blindly follow others.
It’s time to grow in love, beauty, joy and create your own heaven on Earth.
Many spiritual teachers and life coaches suggest to identify your word of the year to set an intention and the tone for yourself for the upcoming year.
I love this idea and have been practicing this for a few years already.
As I start to contemplate what I’d like to co-create and manifest for 2022 and what to put in my vision mandala, I can see an image of myself, joyful, radiant, confident, beautiful and fully embodying and embracing my Goddess self. I know I want to focus 2022 on me, though it will be challenging with baby no. 2 arriving anytime now.
The word “Freedom” comes to mind. Freedom is not a word I use often, and it’s not really something I think about. But for 2022, I choose the word “Freedom” to be my word of the year. The freedom to be me. The true me. The freedom to do what my soul calls me to do. The freedom to live as my authentic self.
There are many ways to come up with the word of the year. Some people go through a list of words and select from there. Some people go into meditation and see what comes through. In my case, I plant the question in my subconscious (basically I ask myself without thinking too much), and the answer comes forth on its own at the most random time.
I do believe that our word of the year can serve as an anchor that helps us to lay the foundation and set a direction for our path ahead. Whenever we are in doubt, we can always come back to our word of the year and remember our original intention. Our word of the year becomes our cheerleader and partner to hold our hands, gently guiding us through the waves of life.
What is your word of the year going to be?
Even though I’m on maternity leave now, if you like you can still contact me (see below) and share what your word of the year is. I’d love to hear from you.
These are some other teachers’ messages for 2022 which have been helpful for me to read. I hope you will enjoy reading them too.
- Sandra Ingermans’ January 2022 Transmutation News: https://www.sandraingerman.com/transmutation-news/english/english-2022/
- Rebecca Campbell’s Channeled Reflections for 2022: https://rebeccacampbell.me/channeled/
- Forever Conscious’ Intuitive Astrology Forecast for 2022: https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-forecast-for-2022