What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is an ancient Spiritual practice that is over 25,000 years old.
It is practiced throughout the world mainly by indigenous people. Some examples include: the Mongolian shamans, Inuit tribe, Aboriginals, Maori, Balinese shamans also known as ‘Balians, Qéro from Peru and many others.
All forms of Shamanism believe that Spirits exist and play a key role in individual lives and society. Shamanism is based on the idea that our 3D world is inhabited by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living.
What Does a Shaman Do?
The Shaman is someone who has been initiated by his community or by Spirit, to assist people with physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual healing.
The Shaman has the ability to mediate between the Spirit world and ordinary reality. She can journey to find someone’s power animal and bring it back for him/her so the person may become more empowered in his/her life.
The Shaman can also do soul portion retrievals, healing and extractions and remove entity attachments and release demons.
The Shaman is always accompanied and assisted by his/her own Spirit guides and totem animal guides who provide protection, healing assistance and wisdom in support of the Shaman’s work and life.
The elements of air, wind, fire, earth and ether are utilized in Shamanic practice.
The Shaman has a strong connection with nature and animals, and has the ability to call on their energetic assistance at all times to help with his/her Spiritual work. He/she can also easily go into a trance state during drumming, dancing or in meditation.
The Shaman usually has a Spiritual mission to assist people with becoming more conscious and finding their true nature. Many Shamans are also activists for the saving our Mother Earth.
How does Shamanic Healing Help Me?
Shamanism can be a wonderful method for anyone who is living a stressful life, doesn’t know where s/he is going or what his/her life purpose is.
Shamanic healing can help you discover your life path and gain more clarity about any challenging issues going on in your life.
It is also very beneficial with helping clear your mind, body and Spirit of any negative energies that could be holding you back or even blocking you from having a successful and happy life.
As you journey to the Spirit worlds, you can discover your power animals who can assist you in your everyday life.
Some animals serve the purpose of giving us courage, such as the panther or lion. Other animals such as an eagle or hawk, give us the ability to have a higher perspective or more expansive overview of our life or a particular issue that we’ve been faced with but can’t seem to find the best way forward.
Shamanism brings us back to the basics – we discover how to connect with nature which helps us to connect to our higher selves.
Being in nature and feeling at one with nature is a powerful tool for self-healing and living a truly balanced life.
The path of the Shaman, is a path of self-empowerment and consciousness.
Oct 15 – 20, 2016
Shamanic Healing Retreat –
Journey into the Self – the Path of Shaman
If you would like to learn more about power animals, connecting with your Spirit guides, journeying for clarity, healing and much more, Michele is teaching her Shamanic Healing Retreat at Museflower Retreat & Spa, in Chiang Rai Thailand from Oct 15-20th, 2016.
For more information about her retreat, click here
About Michele Cempaka
Michele Cempaka became a Reiki Master in 2007 which was a catalyst for a major life change that led her to the path of becoming a full time energy healer. She is also a Shamanic practitioner, certified hypnotherapist, Access BARS practitioner, Transformational Coach & has originated her own healing modality called ETRCC (Emotional therapy thru Reiki Chakra Clearing).
For more information about Michele’s work, please visit her personal website at: www.spiritweaverjourneys.com